Why a Bespoke Cabinetmaker joined a network group

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I’ve joined a networking group, BNSL (Business Networking South Leicestershire) to be precise. We meet every Thursday morning at 7 am where we all do a mini 60 second presentation, a brief thanks and testimonial and one person will do a 10 minute presentation. But most importantly we have coffee and breakfast! My favourite meal of the day!!

Simon from Beyond Beige introduced me to the group last year when he asked me to sub for him while he was working away. Everyone was very kind and welcoming also the coffee and breakfast was great. I already knew another member, Martin from Helios Web Design (the chap who is responsible for this awesome website) he told me it was a brilliant group and it would be great if I joined.

Over the following 12 months I subbed for a couple of other people including Louisa from Bright Owl Copywriting until I decided to take the plunge and become a full member, I umm’d and ahh’d for some time but one particular morning made me go “yep, I need this”.

It can be a bit of a lonely job being a business owner. No disrespect to my wife, family and friends who are brilliant supporters, but with due respect not many people actually understand the pressures and what you go through. Always keeping a happy face despite having no work to keep up morale and maintain positivity to give potential clients a good feeling about your business is hard. That’s just one thing! Not to bang on about it but I was having one of those weeks, and these guys noticed and understood without me having to explain it and gave me the support I needed, (which I can’t explain by the way). So it was a yes from that moment on! Oh, and the coffee and breakfast was great that day.

As some of you may know I have started making videos for our YouTube channel, I really struggle with the public speaking and presenting side. This is something I want to get better at as I hope to create a huge pool of content to help potential and existing customers choose JFW Ltd and understand what they can expect when they place an order with us, I also hope to utilise this method in building new leads in domestic and international sectors, but to do this I need to get better at presenting and I really feel standing up every week facing my fear and talking to a group will make me better and more comfortable. As Arnold Schwarzenegger says: “Do the reps”.

Since joining BNSL I have presented my 10 minute presentation on JFW Ltd and myself which I actually really enjoyed. Also everyone has been incredible and I hope I can repay their support and kindness for as long as I am a member..

Have a great weekend everyone.


Tags: The Meaning of Life, the Universe & Everything
Team culture at JFW Ltd
Dodging bullets: Getting it all done when the world keeps throwing obstacles at you.