January can sometimes be such a slow month, having worked really hard to achieve delivery and installation dates that are for before Christmas – Just a little sub note on this, why is this the case? Why is Christmas a deadline in this Industry? It’s not like once our furniture goes in the site is complete and ready to open, experience has shown me it generally sits empty over the close down period. Maybe it’s a money thing….. Feel free to enlighten me through the comments here or on our social media platforms……. ANYWAY……. Usually we return and we’ve been so busy we’ve done it all and it takes a little while to get going again, not this year though, we’ve hit the ground running! Here’s what we’ve been getting up to.
We started this one before Christmas and are well on the way to finishing, this is another one for HomeSmiths Ltd with the care home owner being Sohal Healthcare. We have a number of bookcases, storage units, a cafe servery and a bespoke stair gate to match the existing style of the old house.

We have been producing furniture for HomeSmiths for a couple of years now and really enjoy the variety of furniture that we get to make for the various care homes around the country. Long may it continue!

We are looking to be installing this in February.
We are all Joiners, Bench Joiners to be specific. They seem to be calling Carpenters site or architectural Joiners these day’s which baffles me a bit…… It would be like calling a plumber a ‘Wet Electrician’. Anyway, we are all trained in joinery, which is manufacturing wooden windows, doors, stairs etc etc, we don’t do much here as a rule with us specialising in furniture and because our machinery is basic we cannot compete with a company that specialises in joinery, however we make exceptions from time to time, especially when one of our main customers buys a house and asks for us to manufacture and install their front and back doors. I was happy to oblige and it made Dexter happy to do what he does best.
We are also producing a media wall surround for Cirencester College. I’ll go into more detail about this next time!
I hope you all have a great weekend! Take it easy!